Cat Curfew
Don’t let upcoming cat curfew stop your cat going outdoors
In areas where cat curfews are in place many cat owners are looking for an inexpensive, safe and reliable way to keep their cats on their property.
For those who don’t want the hassle of building an expensive enclosure that limits their cat to a small area, or don’t want the mess of unsightly netting, a SmartCats StayHome fence is the perfect solution.
If your property is fully fenced you can install a StayHome system across the top of your fence, quickly and easily. If your cat touches it they’ll experience a soft electronic pulse, a bit like static electricity. From then on the fence becomes a psychological barrier that they’ll instinctively stay away from. They’re free to roam and explore the full area of your yard and you can relax knowing you’re not breaking the law.
The best thing about the StayHome fence is it won’t harm or distress your cat. It’s easy to install and doesn’t require any special tools or knowledge to get it up and running.
Smart cats don’t worry about cat curfews. See you the different installation packs here.
The best thing about the SmartCats StayHome cat proof fence is it won’t harm or distress your cat. It’s easy to install and doesn’t require any special tools or knowledge to get it up and running.
Mike Jones, Founder